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The Names of the Full Moons


If you follow me over on either my yoga or crystal Instagram accounts, you probably gathered I love the moon! Nothing has the ability to stop me in the tracks and make me stop and notice quite like the moon. It pulls me right back to the present moment, every single time. The moon and it cycles have been symbolic, worldwide for.. well forever! Before calendars and clocks existed, the moon cycles were an important way of keeping track of time.

Did you know each full moon of the year has a special name with a story behind it? These names derive from Native American culture. As mentioned above, the lunar cycles were a way of keeping track of time. Each moon was given a name relevant to what happened during that lunar cycle. Read on to discover the meaning behind the name of each full moon.

January - The Wolf Moon - This moon is named after the howling wolves that are often hungry during January due to the lack of food in the winter.

February - The Snow Moon - Often a bitter and snowy month in North America, this moon gets it's name from the cold weather.

March - The Worm Moon - This moon is the last full moon of the winter. It's name was given due to the worm trails that appeared as the ground began to thaw.

April - The Pink Moon - Such a pretty image, but April's 'Pink Moon' is not actually pink, instead it is named after pink wildflowers that begin to appear in April.

May - The Flower Moon - As Spring comes in to bloom all the pretty flowers appear and this is where this moon gets its name from!

June - The Strawberry Moon - Strawberries being harvested in North America in June are the reason behind this full moons name.

July - The Buck Moon - The male deer (Bucks) shed their antlers every year and they begin to regrow in July, hence why this moon is known as the Buck Moon,

August - The Sturgeon Moon - The Native American tribes named this moon after the Sturgeon fish that appeared in great numbers in the lakes and rivers of North America in August.

September - The Harvest Moon - Also know has the corn moon, this moon gets its name as September is when the crops are harvested at the end of the summer. This moon is bright and rises early, the farmers made use of the moon light to harvest into the night.

October - The Hunters Moon - After the summer months when the animals have had their fill from the summer fruits comes the Hunters Moon as this was the preferred time of year to hunt. The leaves dropped and fields were bare after the harvest meaning less hiding for the deer and other animals. This moon is also particularly bright, giving hunters more light to hunt.

November - The Beaver Moon - This moon is named after the Beavers who are busy building their dams before the cold of winter hits.

December - The Cold Moon - Aptly named after the cold winter weather!

So those are the 12 moons of the year. You may also of heard of the a Blue Moon, or be familiar with the saying 'once in a blue moon'. The origins of this term aren't exactly known, but it relates to additional full moons that occasionally happen. The moon completes 12 full cycles in 354 days, which falls short of a full calendar year by 11 days. This means around every two and a half years there is a 13th full moon, a fairly rare occurrence, hence the saying 'once in a blue moon'. A term blue moon is given to the third of four full moons in a season, or the second full moon occurring in one calendar month.

So there you have it, the meaning behind each of the names of the full moons. Keep your eye out over on my socials, so.yoga84 and so.crystals on Instagram for more moon related content over the coming days!

Thanks for reading!

Love Steph xx

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