Journal prompt sheets..
Journaling is a great way to make sense of what is going on inside your head. Jotting down what is on your mind before you go to bed can help you to let go of what might be bothering you and allow you to sleep better. Or perhaps you feel really inspired and full of new ideas, writing them in your journal will allow you to keep coming back to your ideas and help you to manifest them into reality.
Writing your journal entry after your yoga practise allows you to make a note of what you noticed during your practise, you could perhaps jot down your reflections on the theme of the class, how the postures made you feel, or perhaps the thoughts you observed during your meditation.
I shall be adding journal prompt sheets here for you each week to help you reflect on your yoga practise.

The Root Chakra
Use this journal sheet to help you find balance for your Root Chakra. Check out my Instagram post all about the root chakra here..

The Sacral Chakra
Use this journal prompt sheet to help you find balance for your Sacral Chakra. Check out my Instagram post all about the sacral chakra here..

The Solar Plexus Chakra
Use this journal prompt sheet to help find balance for your Solar Plexus Chakra. Check out my Instagram post all about the solar plexus chakra here..

The Heart Chakra
Use this journal sheet to help find balance for your Heart Chakra. Check out my Instagram post all about the heart chakra here..